Category Glass
Origin: artist/workshop Cologne workshop
Date 16C/1
Reference No
Size 102x92
Provenance Altenberg Cistercian Abbey, cloister
Present Location Shrewsbury, England, St Mary's Church, north window
Bibliography VP5:1:6-7 (PL185:354-5); Paffrath 1984, 177-8

Eckert 1953, 109; Paris 1990, 291
Illustration From Paffrath 1984, ill 50
Other illustrations Eckert 1953, pl 33

Paris 1984, ill 247
Country Germany
1505/32. A scene of Bernard healing a lame woman during a visit to Metz early in 1153. With the exception of the harvest scene, this is the only Altenberg picture in which Bernard is not depicted in the white cowl but wearing a white tunic and black scapular, and here also a black cloak and muffled cap against the cold. The woman has been brought to him on a stretcher carried by two men. The bishop of Metz stands next to Bernard and holds up his cloak so as to enable Bernard to lay his hand on the woman. Bernard's crozier is carried by a monk standing behind him. Bernard's scroll reads: 'In nomine Domini, surge, tolle grabatum tuum et ambula' (In the name of the Lord, arise, take your bed and walk). The location is indicated by the inscription 'Metz'.