Category Glass
Origin: artist/workshop Cologne workshop
Date 16C/1
Reference No
Size 113x76
Provenance Altenberg Cistercian Abbey, cloister
Present Location war loss 1939/45
Bibliography VP1:14:69 (PL185:265); Paffrath 1984, 126-9

Eckert 1953, 90; Wentzel 1954, 112
Illustration From Paffrath 1984, ill 33
Other illustrations Eckert 1953, pl 21

Wentzel 1954, ill 59
Country Germany
1505/32. The 'Vita Prima' tells of how Bernard was constantly pursued as a most worthy candidate for high ecclesiastical office, but always declined, although having avoided the 'honours of the world, he has not missed out on the authority that belongs to such honours'. He is said to have refused five bishoprics: Genoa (1133?), Chalons (before 1135), Milan (1135), Langres (1138), and Reims (1139). He is depicted on the left carrying his crozier and book and with five mitres at his feet together with a crozier, indicating the five occasions on which he refused bishoprics. He is faced by five noblemen on the right, each representing one of the cities that sought him as their bishop. One of them carries a mitre and his scroll reads: 'Petimus et Sanctitatem vertram oramus, nostrarum suscipere curam animarum' (We pray and beseech Your Holiness to take on the cure of our souls). Two of the noblemen turn to the monk who is carrying a bull from which five seals are hanging, and in which the pope absolved Bernard from accepting the offers. For this the monks were grateful, for, according to the scroll: 'Nos venditis omnibus mundanis pretiosam margaritam comparavimus. Si privati simus, Margarita, exspectationi nostrae male provisum est' (We have compared the precious stone to all things on offer in the world. If we are deprived, o precious stone, of our expectation we have been ill provided for). Bernard points to the mitres at his feet and says: 'Ego non sum meus, sed fratrum meorum servitio deputatus' (I do not belong to myself, but am deputed to the service of my brethren).