Category Glass
Origin: artist/workshop Cologne workshop
Date 16C/1
Reference No
Size 133x70
Provenance Altenberg Cistercian Abbey, cloister
Present Location Shrewsbury, England, St Mary's Church, north window
Bibliography VP2:1:4 (PL185:271); Paffrath 1984, 102-4

Eckert 1953, 81; Paris 1990, 289
Illustration From Paffrath 1984, ill 25
Other illustrations Eckert 1953, pl22

Paris 1990, ill 241
Country Germany
1505/32. While guest of Abbot Peter the Venerable of Cluny Pope Innocent II received news of the decision reached at Etampes by the French king and bishops to lend their support to him. The pope then toured a number of French cities and on the advice of Bernard met King Henry I of England, who had so far given his support to the anti-pope, at Chartres.The pope is depicted standing in a doorway with his retinue greeting Bernard and the king on horseback, accompanied by a bishop and others. The location is indicated by the inscription 'Carnotum' (Chartres) on the wall of the building. Bernard addresses the following words to the king on the scroll: 'Quid times, o Rex, times peccatum incurrere, si obedias Innocentio? De aliis cogita, istudque mihi relinque! Ad quod verbum persuasus Papae occurit usque Carnotum' (What do you fear, o King. Are you afraid of committing a sin if you obey Innocent? Consider your other sins, leave these to me! He was persuaded by this and went to meet the pope in Chartres).