Category Glass
Origin: artist/workshop Cologne workshop
Date 16C/1
Reference No
Size 65x87
Provenance Altenberg Cistercian Abbey, cloister
Present Location Shrewsbury, England, St Mary's Church. north window
Bibliography EM2:15 (Griesser 1961, 109); Paffrath 1984, 94-6

Eckert 1953, 78; Paris 1990, 289
Illustration From Paffrath 1984, ill 22
Other illustrations Eckert 1953, pl 19

Paris 1990, ill 240
Country Germany
1505/32. Bernard asks Count Theobald of Champagne to hand over an assassin condemned to death. The count held Bernard in high esteem, and when he heard that he would not escape punishment he agreed to let him go. Bernard gave the robber his tunic and brought him with him to Clairvaux where he became a lay brother: he was transformed 'from wolf to lamb, from robber to lay brother'. Bernard is seen saying to the count: 'Dimitte mihi sicarium istum, ego volo manibus meis suspendere eum' (Hand over the murderer to me; I will hang him with my own hands) to which the count replies: 'Heu, Venerabilis Pater, quid est quod? Trahe domum. Numquam eum salvum facere poteris, qui totus diabolus factus est' (Oh, venerable Father, what are you suggesting? Take him home! You will never be able to save him who is a total devil). Then Bernard said: 'Non me existimes huiusmodi peccatorum impunitum velle relinquere, sed ego faciam eum morte longissima mori' (Do not think that I will let such a great sinner go unpunished, but I will make him suffer a long death).