Category Glass
Origin: artist/workshop Cologne workshop
Date 16C/1
Reference No
Size 113x73
Provenance Altenberg Cistercian Abbey, cloister
Present Location Shrewsbury, England, St Mary's Church, north window
Bibliography VP1:4:19 (PL185:237-8); LA 211; Paffrath 1984, 48-51

Eckert 1953, 65; Paris 1990, 286; Hunt 1951, 13
Illustration From Paffrath 1984, ill 8
Other illustrations Eckert 1953, pl 6

Paris 1990, ill 231
Country Germany
1505/32. Scene showing Bernard's entry to Citeaux in 1113, a 'new implantation of a renewed monastic observance', where, though the harvest was great, there was need for labourers' and where, most importantly, he could escape vanity: ' vanity over his illustrious secular background, vanity over that keen intellect of his, or even perhaps, vanity over something of a reputation for holiness'. On the right Bernard as a young man with long hair kneels before Stephen Harding who, in order that he may greet Bernard with both hands, has his crozier under his left arm. A monk stands in the doorway behind Stephen. On the left is the eldest brother whose scroll, addressed to the youngest brother playing with a bird in the bottom left corner, reads: 'Yours is all the land we owned!' to which little Nivard's says: 'Vobis ergo celum, et mihi terra? Non est aequo divisa facta est...' (So yours is heaven, mine the earth? Not a fair division!). To this Bernard's eldest brother, Guy, replied: 'Eya, frater Nivarde, ad te solum repicit omnis terra nostra, ita est possessionis nostrae!' (Yes, brother Nivard, all the land belongs to you alone, this is all our property!). Nivard later joined his brothers at Clairvaux. On the far left is the castle of Fontaine from which they came and identified by its name on the wall.