Category Engraving
Origin: artist/workshop Dirk Vellert (fl 1511-44)
Date 16C/1
Reference No
Size 17x12.1
Provenance Antwerp
Present Location
Bibliography Bartsch 1803-21, 8:29

Hollstein 1949-94, 33:194; Dewez & Iterson 1956, 180
Illustration From photo - Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique
Other illustrations Hollstein 1949-94, 33: ill 8; Raguin & Zakin 2001, 2:27

Country Belgium
The date - 3 October 1524 - is at the top, and the initials of the artist of this copper engraving, Dirk Vellert - D V - are carved on a stone in the bottom right corner with a star in the middle (Bartsch calls him Thierry van Star). Bernard, seen in profile looking at the Virgin on the left, is kneeling nearly in the middle, his hands clasped in prayer and with his crozier leaning against his right shoulder. An elaborate Renaissance architectural scene with urns and putti. Behind Bernard is a portico through which a landscape with buildings on the far side is revealed. The Virgin with naked Child squeezes her bared breast. An almost exact copy, but in reverse, was made by the monogrammist S (see EN48), and it also inspired a miniature in a manuscript from the Cistercian abbey of St Bernards-op-'t Scheldt (see MA115). Copied in stained glass in Conches, France.