Category Woodcut
Origin: artist/workshop Anon; printed by Pieter van Os
Date 15C/4
Reference No 171 E 21/ Res. 120/ Fonds Mechelen, Inc. 15
Size 18.8x15.4
Provenance Zwolle
Present Location
Bibliography Dodgson 1903, 1:234-5; Schreiber 1927, 3:39 (1274); Hind 1963, 2:582; Dijon 1953, 64

Hain 1826-38, 2852; Hendrix 1990, 149-53; Dijon 1953, 64; Dewez & Iterson 1956, 177; Dupeux 1991, 176
Illustration From Sabbe, Lamberigts & Gistelinck 1990, ill 2
Other illustrations Hendrix 1991, ill 32

Paris 1991, ill 21; Posset 1997, ill 3
Country Netherlands
This woodcut was used in a book of Bernard's Sermons in the vernacular ('Dat boec van sinte Bernardus sermonen') printed by Pieter van Os in Zwolle in 1484 and 1495. Through a square window we look into a chamber in which Bernard stands with a crozier in his right hand and receiving with his left hand two flowers offered by the naked infant Christ, standing on a cushion on the sill and supported by the Virgin with her right hand while with her left hand she presses her breast so that the milk, indicated by a series of dots, spirts forth upon Bernard. Between their heads is the inscription 'Monstra te esse matrem', while on the scroll held by the Child is the fragmentary inscription ''. A closed book lies on the sill and a pot with a plant before the Virgin. Behind the Virgin is a piece of tapestry and behind Bernard we see through two round arches to a landscape with a castle. The whole is surrounded by a double border. Bernard has 'tuft'.