Category Woodcut
Origin: artist/workshop Nuremburg
Date 15C/3
Reference No Clm 20020
Size 7.2x6.0
Present Location Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Bibliography Schreiber 1927, 3:40 (1276f)

Aurenhammer 1959-67, 339;Posset 2003,296
Illustration From Heitz 1899-1924, 10:ill 20
Other illustrations Posset 2003,297 Posset 2003,297

Country Germany
Single print. In this woodcut from c 1460 Bernard is shown in a grey cowl kneeling before the Crucifix with both arms outstretched ready to embrace Christ leaning down from the bright red Cross from which his left arm is detached ready to place it on Bernard's shoulders while his right arm is only just leaving the Cross. As is traditional in Amplexus images, Bernard is depicted larger in scale than Christ. The Cross is on a green ground suggesting that the scene is out of doors. A crozier with a green sudarium is on the left, a lance and a pole with a sponge on the end are on the right. A mitre and book are on the ground. Red is used to indicate Christ's blood-stained body, and the border is red top and bottom and green on the two sides. The background is pale yellow. (See also EN15, EN63, & EN64).